Sunday, April 23, 2017

Updates on everything

Well my race season started a couple months ago. I've haven't updated my blog in a while, I feel lazy not keeping up with it. Last year and this year hasn't been the easiest. In December, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. They did a 3D mammogram so they caught it at a very early stage. She didn't want to scare anyone so I had to keep it private which was harder because I couldn't talk about it very much. My fiance did know so I could talk to him about it. She had surgery to remove it and radiation for about a month. I'm happy to report she is cancer free!!! I had a fear she wouldn't be around for my wedding next year and that would have broken my heart. I know you don't have to take my advice but its a good idea to get an annual checkup with your doctor!

Recently my fiance's grandma passed away. We did make it down to Georgia to say goodbye. I was very fortunate to get off work for both my jobs. I'm still working an insane amount of days in a row but it did break up my 20 day work week (only 13 days instead). We got to spend time with my future in-laws and celebrated some birthdays while we were there too.

In January, I was good on my diet, I lost about 10 lbs, but with my mom's radiation and other stresses I started eating badly. I gained the weight back but will be working on losing the weight for good. I see a huge difference in my running when I weigh less and I wouldn't mind being about 40 lbs less before my wedding next year. I'm not ready to try on dresses yet, I feel so heavy right now.

Anyways, back to running updates.

My first race of the year was the Paczki Run with my co-worker Dave. I brought Pasha along and she did much better at this race compared to the Cork Town one last year. There were less people and less dogs. She ran the whole time and even got a new PR!!! Our time was a lot better than I expected.

I had to go to Alabama for a week for work and so my Buffalo Wild Wings 8K wasn't as good. I got some runs in while down south, but didn't get the mileage I would have liked. This was my first 8K race so I did get an automatic PR out of it. I got through the first 3 miles okay, but then did a run/walk at the end. We got BWW chicken afterwards which was tasty. It was a small portion but there were a lot of runners.

Today, I ran the Kona Cheesecake Run- 8K and did much better. I got a new 8K PR by 2:01!!!! My co-worker/running buddy Dave ran it with me and he got a new PR too! I finally met one of my twitter running buddies Jeff. He lives in Michigan too, but it did take a while to finally meet. I was planning on going to the Freep expo last year but ended up napping. (Marathon training). It's great connecting with so many runners on social media. I've learned so much from them and still do. That's all for now and hopefully I can post a little more often.