Thursday, March 31, 2016

Changing my mind on races

Originally, I was planning on the Grand Rapids Marathon to be my big race for the year.  I did a lot of research on a few marathons.  I looked at time limits, pace times, location, reviews people post. I made a list of pros and cons.The Marine Marathon was my #1 choice.  However, being a lottery system it wasn't a sure thing I would be picked and thought I would have to do the transfer or charity bib route.  One big factor was the GR Marathon is a few hours away from me and didn't have a time limit so that appealed to me.  I was set on the GR Marathon until March when I started thinking about the Marine Marathon again.

Just for the heck of it I put my name in the Marine Marathon and I got picked in the lotto.  I didn't think I had a shot and would have kept my course with the GR Marathon.  I have a few options, I can see about deferring my GR Marathon to next year or transfer it to someone.  I haven't decided on that yet.

The Marine Marathon has been on my bucket list and my fiance is a former Marine so I really want to do this.  I've heard so many great reviews and people loving the race.  I even remember reading an article on Runner's World how 1/3 of the runners are first timers.  I'm also freaking out: what if I don't finish, what if I should have just stayed with doing the Grand Rapids Marathon, will I even be able to handle a full marathon,  will the pin in my foot hold up, etc.  This will be my first full marathon.  I have a few half marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks under my belt, but a full is completely different.  I know if I don't make an attempt, I'll never know.  There is a chance I could fail, but it's a challenge that excites and scares me.

The first time I started training for my first half, I thought why did I sign up, I won't be able to finish.  As I trained I went from barely running a mile to running 10 miles for a long run.  My two friends who were supposed to run with me backed out last minute so I considered quitting, but I realized I am doing this for me and completed the race.  I'm doing my best to changing my thinking to this will be extremely difficult but NOT impossible.  I've never quit a race, I've had some bad runs with horrible times but always made it to the finish line.  I have also gotten new PRs and improved my pace.  I just need to trust my training and do the best I can.  

I've been reading articles on how to tackle the Marine Marathon, read blogs from runners who have ran the race, and went on BibRave for tips too. I won't be changing my mind a third time. My training plan doesn't start until the end of June so I'm not behind.  I've been working on my base miles and strength training since January.  Hopefully it goes well and I can write a blog entry about completing my first full marathon.  Stay tuned!

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